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My Top 10 Podcasts for Forming a Christian Worldview

Everyone has a worldview, but not everyone is aware of theirs. It's sort of like our belly button. We all have one, but very few spend much time examining their own. However, our worldview shapes so much about how we see, understand and act in the world around us. A worldview is made up of our fundamental presuppositions - or foundational beliefs about ultimate reality such as the nature of truth, morality, meaning, destiny, and purpose. For the believer, our worldview should be shaped by God's Word. However, sometimes it is important for us to learn from the insights of other Christians who have studied to apply God's Word to all of life. This is where Christian podcasts can come in as useful...

Why Podcasts?

Podcasts are a great way to keep learning and deepening your understanding of the Christian faith. They can also be uniquely helpful in allowing us to be a "fly on the wall" to conversations between different perspectives or just listening in on how people talk through a topic. Many people listen to podcasts on their commute, while doing chores, or just to relax. For me, podcasts have been a great way to make productive use of my time and learn from a far wider range of thinkers than if I only relied on books and personal contacts. While they are no replacement for personal discipleship in the context of the community within your local church, they can be a great supplemental resource.

Here are some of my top 10 podcasts that have helped me to form a more complete Christian worldview. There are many more great podcasts on this topic, however, I had to whittle it down to these for the sake of this list.

For those who already listen to podcasts, I hope that you'll find some new ones on this list that will be helpful to you. For those who aren't yet into podcasts but are curious to explore, I hope that you'll find some of these podcasts to be another great tool in your growth in discipleship!

1. Apologia Radio

Reformed, Gospel-Driven, Hard-Hitting and culturally relevant content from the guys and gals at Apologia Radio including Pastor Jeff Durbin, Joy, Luke the Bear and others on a variety of topics. Apologia Radio tackles some of the most important cultural ideas and happenings that Christians face such as abortion, defending the faith, commentary on current events from a Christian worldview, addiction, LBGTQ issues, news and politics. The conversations at Apologia are always fun, engaging and edifying - challenging the listener to think Christianly through the issues of our day.

2. Ezra Institute Podcast for Cultural Reformation

The podcast ministry of Dr. Joe Boot and the Ezra Institute. They seek to help listeners think about the nature of culture and our role and responsibility in shaping culture through the lens of God’s eternal Word. They feature book reviews, author interviews and expert commentary on a variety of issues including cultural marxism, government, law, politics, arts, education, tyranny, the basis of freedoms, fulfilling the cultural mandate, biblical sexuality and gender, Postmillennialism, and many theological topics. Dr. Boot’s insights are well worth consideration as he is a sharp thinker and apologist with a passion to see believers form a robust Reformed Christian world and life view.

3. Fight Laugh Feast Network Podcast

This is probably one of the most fun podcasts to listen to, and you’ll quickly understand why once you start listening. Whether it’s Chocolate Knox or the Podcast Ninja, Luke or one of the other hosts of podcasters on this network - true to their name, their conversations and commentary are always hard-hitting, light-hearted, and as entertaining as it is educational. Plus Chocolate Knox is always trying to get you to baptize your babies… haha. The FLF Network also features other podcasts and a Daily News brief that analyzes current affairs from a Christian worldview. Many of their podcasters use serious theology combined with humour to make for an entertaining yet thought-provoking show.

4. Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey

Allie Beth Stuckey has built one of the largest Christian conservative podcasts - featured on the Blaze Network - she covers news and current events that affect society and our day-to-day lives. It’s upbeat yet in-depth. She breaks down the latest trends in culture, news, theology and politics from a Christian, conservative perspective and has also been able to interview some high-profile personalities - from noted Theologians and Pastors to political figures and popular thinkers of our day - Relatable offers some high-quality content worth checking out. Some of the topics she’s covered include Disney’s woke culture, masking, US politics, Gender Grooming, abortion, mental health and so much more.

5. The Sword & The Trowel

This is the ministry podcast of Founders Ministries. Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden host each episode with insightful commentary on theological and cultural issues from a Biblical perspective. They’re also quite engaged in the happenings and controversies within American Evangelicalism - particularly within the Southern Baptist Convention - which tends to have a pretty significant impact on Evangelicalism as a whole. They also feature interviews and conversations with other pastors and leaders within the Christian world such as Voddie Baucham, Conrad Mbewe, Mark Coppenger, Samuel Sey, Tom Buck, Tom Nettles, and James Coates and many more. Their conversations are thoughtful, uncompromising and gracious.

6. Just Thinking Podcast

With hosts Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker, two black American Evangelical leaders whose friendship shines through in their episodes - you feel like you’re a fly on a wall listening in to two good friends talking about important issues and laughing a lot together. They’re often amusingly bombastic and funny, and they come with a Hammond organ to drive certain points home… don’t worry, you’ll understand what I’m talking about if you check out one of their episodes. They’re the kind of guys you could listen to all day and have a lot of fun doing so. They tackle important topics like racism, social justice, culture, black liberation theology, anti-racism, and commentary on news and current events.

7. The Briefing with Albert Mohler

Dr. Mohler is the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce College. He is a prolific Christian writer and thinker with a profound mind. He offers a daily analysis of news and current events from a Christian worldview - covering articles from a variety of sources. Dr. Mohler’s vast knowledge is very useful and you’ll learn a lot just by listening to these 20-30 minute episodes. His ability to do worldview analysis on current events is a great way to see a Christian worldview in action on daily events. I've listened to Dr. Mohler's Briefing for years now and have often found it to be one of the most helpful summaries of important news and current events to stay updated on.

8. The Six Cents Report

This is a weekly podcast one of my good friends - Joel Nicoloff - does with his co-host, Darnell Samuels on events related to Canadians from an economic and theological perspective. They often have helpful interviews with authors and experts on a variety of topics - and the economic analysis is helpful for me, as economists tend to bring in a point of view that is often neglected in speaking about public issues. They’ve had episodes covering crypto, the pandemic, liberalism, libertarianism, free-market capitalism, vaccine mandates, critical race theory and Canadian law issues. Their conversations are fun to listen to and casual yet well-informed.

9. The Antithesis with Owen Strachan

This is the Podcast of Dr. Owen Strachan, Professor of Theology at Grace Bible Theological Seminary. His podcast exists to clarify the difference between Christianity and every system, worldview and religion. He brings a big vision of God and a passion for His grace to help listeners to understand sound biblical doctrine and distinguish it from worldly ideologies that seek to take us captive. He also seeks to equip Christians offensively as well as defensively to tear down intellectual and behavioural strongholds and aid theological discipleship towards a heart and mind on fire for God in this world. Dr. Strachan covers topics of apologetics, church ministry, ecclesiology, concerns in Evangelicalism, culture, wokeness, Christian living and much more.

10. Rushdoony Radio

This last one is not really your traditional “podcast”. Rushdoony Radio is actually a series of podcasts that are audio narrations of various books they’ve published. It’s a great way to listen to various books on Christian engagement in culture, worldview formation, Christian reconstruction, apologetics, eschatology, theology and much more. Rushdoony Radio podcasts feature audiobooks from authors such as RJ Rushdoony, Gary DeMar, Gary North, Greg Bahnsen, Stephen Perks, and more. Titles include Backwards Christian Soldiers?, The Christian Philosophy of Education Explained, Christianity and the Law, Disciple the Nations, The Days of Vengeance: An Exposition of the Book of Revelation, Ruler of the Nations: Biblical Principles for Government, and Always Ready. If you search “Rushdoony Radio” on your podcast app, you’ll find the various podcasts of these audiobooks. It’s a great way to learn and listen to solid theological audiobooks for free!


I hope that you'll find some useful content in these podcasts and that God would use it to help equip His Church with a big view of His Kingdom and a robust Christian worldview to live for His glory!

Soli Deo Gloria


Soli Deo Gloria (1 Corinthians 10:31)

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