On this page, you'll find some of the classes I've taught either personally or at my church. Look out for more unique content geared towards Christian creatives on Theotivity in the future.
IMAGO | Creatives and their Creator
This was a one-day workshop I taught to help creatives see how their faith connects to creativity. In it we focus primarily on the concept of how we image God as Creator in our creativity and more specifically, how a Christian's creativity is transformed by the Gospel. We also consider what the Bible says about beauty and aesthetics and their role in our lives.
For full class resources including the presentation slides, PDFs of teacher's notes and worksheets, please click HERE.

Divine Sovereignty & Human Responsibility
This workshop was aimed at addressing the question of what does the Bible say about the relationship between Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility. Are these two beliefs at odds and irreconcilable or is there a way to make sense of them? More importantly, what does God's Word have to say on these matters and why is it important to Christians today? I taught the main section of this workshop and at the end we had a Q&A panel with our church elders.
All the resources for this workshop are available HERE.
Doctrine of the Word
This class is part of a series of classes on various modules of systematic theology called "Glorious Doctrine." In this class, we take a look at the doctrine of the Word. I tag-teamed this class with one of my colleagues (Andrew) who is also one of the elders from our church. In it we explore the Bible's inspiration, sufficiency, inerrancy, authority, necessity, clarity and some issues concerning the canon of scripture and apologetic questions.
All the resources for this workshop are available HERE.

The Law of Moses
Many Christians today do not have a deep appreciation for the whole of the Old Testament and sometimes treat it as a disconnected body of writings from the New Testament. However, to properly understand the New Testament and the person and work of Jesus Christ, it is vital to have a robust appreciation of the Old Testament. In this Biblical Theology class, we explore the various connections, foreshadowing, prophecies, and much more in the Old and New Testaments that are essential to valuing its relevance to us today. I taught this 8-week class at our church together with Andrew.
For full class resources including the presentation slides, PDFs of teacher's notes and worksheets, please click HERE.

Apologetics Workshops
These are some workshops which were taught as a part of a series of apologetics workshops taught at my church called "The Reason for Hope". These two workshops focus on the questions "How do we give and answer" and "Why trust the Bible". They help to lay the foundations for a biblical apologetic methodology in defending the faith. All the related class materials, such as slides, PDF notes and worksheets can be found here: HOW DO WE GIVE AN ANSWER and WHY TRUST THE BIBLE.