A few of the video projects I've worked on doing videography, editing and motion graphics. I am available for freelance video work in a limited capacity based on my availability as I already have a full-time job.
The Great Sermon Series
This was a video series project I did with Tim Challies that was sponsored by the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In it, we explored various sermons that went 'viral' by popular preachers, breaking down their content and the impact they had on their listeners.

Faithful: The Story of Dr. Charles Woodrow & Grace Missions Ministries
This was a documentary I worked on with Tim Challies to tell the story of Dr. Charles Woodrow - a missionary in Nampula, Mozambique with Grace Missions Ministries. I had the privilege of flying to Nampula to film the shots and did all the post-editing.
I also edited a video for Tim's church in appreciation of their missionaries on the field in Nampula, Mozambique.

Some other Challies projects

PCC Annual Dinner 2019 | Alex's Story
This was a short story video I shot and edited for the Pregnancy Care Centre in Toronto. It tells the amazing story of one of the young women they've helped through an unexpected pregnancy.
Sermon Bumper Videos
These are a few sermon bumpers I've created for various sermon series at my church. For most of these, I film, record the voice over and do the sound design on the edits. There are a few shots that are pulled from stock video sites or adapted from other sources.
Law of Moses Class Trailer
I shot and edited this trailer for one of the classes we were teaching at our church. I also recorded the voice over with my friend (actor in the video). The main purpose was to help peak interest in the class. The class videos and materials can be found here.